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Yan was born with a hole in his heart and was abandoned in Shanxi province when he was just a month old. China Care took him into our home and provided the critical surgery to repair his heart.



 Less than a year later, he needed an operation to correct another condition, diaphragmatic eventration, which meant that part of his diaphragm was pressing up against his lung, causing him to have difficulty breathing. He recovered from both his surgeries and spent the next year and a half at China Care.


In June 2009, when he was two-and-a-half years-old, Yan was adopted!  A few weeks after bringing him home to join their family, his mother Nicole Stolk sent us an email.  “We noticed that thanks to your organization he had good care and medical help,” wrote Nicole.


“We are grateful and would like to thank you for giving him such a great foster home where he was given hope, love and attention.”Nicole reported that Yan was adjusting well to his new home and family. “He calls us ‘Mama’ and ‘Papa’ and he is fond of giving kisses and hugs. He loves playing with his big sister, Fien, and repeats everything she says, which means he’s learning Dutch little by little. He’s also been learning to sing, because Fien just adores singing and has taken to teaching her little brother. She thinks it's really great that she can play with him.


Nicole added that Yan is a smart little guy who likes to do everything himself. He loves to laugh and play outside and gravitates toward anything that makes a sound – from music to cars to books that talk.





Courtesy Nicole Stolk

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